Ground Water Rule Compliance Help for Water System Owners and Operators

EPA has developed materials for drinking water system owners and operators. The materials below can assist in complying with requirements of the Ground Water Rule (GWR).

On this page

The Ground Water Rule Fact Sheets

Ground water rule fact sheets provide information for states and public water systems. The fact sheets are an overview of rule requirements, monitoring requirements, sanitary surveys, public notification, and simultaneous compliance. For further information please contact your primacy agency.

Ground Water Rule Placards

The GWR Monitoring Requirements Placards are an Adobe pdf tool. These posters help systems understand monitoring and communication requirements under the GWR. The tool targets system types (i.e. CWS, NCWS, wholesale, consecutive systems) and the related information on which GWR requirements must be met.

Contact Time (CT) Calculator

This tool is for public drinking water systems that use ground water (GW) and want to determine if the chemical disinfection their water system uses provides 4-log inactivation improvements. This calculator was designed to be a simple tool to help GW systems determine their system’s log inactivation. Instructions for using this tool can be found on the second tab of the spread sheet.

Consecutive System Guide for the Ground Water Rule

The guidance manual was revised in response to comments and questions received and to update links to additional information. The intended audience is ground water systems, States, tribes, and other primacy agencies.

Complying with the Ground Water Rule: Small Entity Compliance Guide

For more information, please see the Ground Water Rule page.