Jakarta sustainable action plan


21 July 2023

Indonesia's Circular Economy Roadmap and Action Plan Paves the Way: Interministerial Policy Coordination

PAGE Indonesia - PAGE supports the interministerial coordination and consultation meeting as part of an inclusive process for the development national circular economy roadmap and action plan, Thursday, 20 July 2023.

The successful coordination meeting on "Formulating the Circular Economy Action Plan in Indonesia" took place at the Gran Melia Hotel in Kuningan, Jakarta. This significant gathering, which was led by the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS, brought together representatives from various ministries and relevant institutions, each playing a crucial role in driving this essential initiative forward. Attendees included representatives from the Ministry of National Development Planning (Kementerian PPN/BAPPENAS) itself, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), the National Standardization Agency (BSN), the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), the Indonesian National Agency for Drug and Food Control (BPOM), the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (KemenkopUKM), the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin), the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (KemenPUPR), and the National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP). This event received support from PAGE Indonesia & UNDP Indonesia's Circular Economy Project.

The primary objectives of this gathering were twofold. Firstly, it aims to provide updates on the progress made in formulating the roadmap and action plan for the circular economy, undertaken by BAPPENAS. This initiative is vital for transitioning Indonesia towards a more sustainable economic model, promoting resource efficiency, and reducing environmental impacts. Secondly, the meeting facilitated in-depth discussions concerning the framework of the circular economy roadmap and action plan. The presence of technical officials from multiple ministries and institutions fostered a collaborative environment where diverse perspectives were considered. The exchange of ideas and expertise paved the way for a more comprehensive and well-rounded strategy, taking into account the complexities of Indonesia's socio-economic landscape.

With the successful conclusion of this coordination meeting, it is evident that the Indonesian government is committed to embracing the principles of a circular economy. By bringing together key stakeholders, the stage is set for the nation to move forward towards a more sustainable and resilient future. The concerted efforts of all involved ministries and agencies signal a unified approach to address environmental challenges and lay the groundwork for a prosperous, circular, and environmentally responsible economy.